Who the heck are The Onikas and why uniforms are the new black

Onikas V&J beach Jonnyka was born in Honolulu, Hawaii where her hippie parents were living the early 70’s dream (hence her middle name-- CLOUDS). Veronica was born in Quito Ecuador to a large, boisterous extended clan. Fate brought both of us to Dallas TX where, in 1983, we met during our freshman year at Ursuline Academy- an all girls Catholic school that boasts Melinda Gates as an alum.  In true 80’s manner we shared a love of indie bands like New Order and a penchant for Mia flats, lipstick that was two shades too light for our skin tone, and massive shoulder pads. Aside from our dubious fashion choices, we also bonded over a love of art and a desire to travel the world. V&J UA Uniforms pic  V&J UA frosh picnic pic During the many art classes that we took during high school, we sat alone, at a little table working on projects which sometimes looked identical. Eventually, even our handwriting began looking the same and people began calling us “the Onikas.” Four years at an all girl’s high school not only strengthened our faith in “sisterhood,” it also made us appreciate uniforms! The idea that you had a set wardrobe everyday really stuck. For our collection we aim to produce pieces that become a sort of uniform for women who want to feel comfortable, look stylish and buy ethically produced clothes. So many of our customers have told us that their Onikas pieces have become their de facto uniform and that really makes us happy! Patri photo Annie

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